The Dr. Norman Koelling Willed Body Memorial Garden serves as a tribute to the generous gift that our donors have given to further medical education. This special space provides a place for families to gather and honor their loved ones. The Dr. Norman Koelling Willed Body Memorial Garden is always open for families to visit for a quiet memory or a reflective moment.
Donor families have expressed their gratitude for this tranquil and beautiful garden made possible by the generous donation from University of Arizona College of Nursing alumnus Carol Brown and the hard work of many University of Arizona employees, including Marianne Capp Hadden and Deborah Kessler.
"It is my intention that this garden is a place of beauty and tranquility, but the seriousness of its purpose sets it apart. Not simply an outdoor space, I wish for this memorial garden to honor and esteem those who have supported science, medicine and education through the ultimate contribution of their body. It is also important to consider the families of these body donors, for they are significantly impacted by the donor’s choice. When a loved one passes, who has gifted his/her body to medicine, the family does not have the opportunity to partake in a traditional burial experience. At times a grave site may not even exist. Though family members will possess the knowledge that their loved one is creating opportunity through the gift, the customary closing of the loop between life and death is not present. This garden can provide a place that fills that gap. It is my hope that this site be considered a memorial for each and every loved one who participates in the University of Arizona Willed Body Program." — Carol Brown